Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Lisa Lampanelli: Back to the Drawing Board

Howdy..losers..now, since, April 1, in Norco, a place near Corona, Riverside County, California, for you losers. You jerks deserve a new video and article and I am HERE to REALLY GIVE IT to ya..,attacking BOTH sides..an d you (N)PC/SJW types THOUGHT I, and Lisa., were gone..)

BTW Happy belated Canadian and US Thankskgiving andf all hoLIDAY...AND 60TH TO lISA,(jULY 19)(

Monday, January 4, 2021

Hey, happy Holidays and New Years, 2021! Wishes for Lisa's career

 Sorry not to have posted, longest time between posts in ANY of my blogs (the pre-1970s animation and candy ones), but anyway. It's been a while, apparently, since ANY of LL (as our beloved "COMEDY'S LOVEABLE QUEEN OF MEAN"), but, I hope any of you reading have a Lamnpenlliwondeful time. Wonder what Lamp-apaloosa (inspired, huh?), will happen, or if any other book...it has been 11 years, since 2009, when another book was published..

As you know, the virus came by 2019, we're now dealing with it..and then the Greta Thunberg's, Alexandria O.Cortezx es and others just RICH and RIPE for LL spoofing.

And, always, remember, CHOCOLATE rules..