Track #9
Here we have near seven minutes to review for an entire post, and it's one of the funniest things ever done by Lisa, and shows again her (at near 3 min) talent for sound effects..
She starts out apologizing for her jokes about her mother, whom according to her hates Lisa's boyfriend, who, being black, has a JOB--he ain't Hispanic.
She says that she "doesn't cheat",has a good lookin' fifty year old black guys with kids...and jokes also include blacks banging refrigerators and her new Ford F100 that, through her voice effects as
described, can make racist sounds.
Afterwards the conversation switches to talks of gay celebrities, where she roasts (without them being ther,e the best kind as she'll tell anyone) gay celebrities, Clay Aiken being particularly mentioned,
as well as Rubuen Stoddard of the earlier "Amrerican Idol" seasons, then the talk turns to an uppity white woman calling a raido show where Ms.Lampanelli had been guest-starring.
"No one loves black people MORE than Lisa Lampanelli..No one loves black people more OFTEN than Lisa Lampanelli". A funny if totally predictable "black people across the border" joke comes up.
We get back to a few more gay jokes and kids (in Lampanelli audience) gags and then mixed with race jokes to end the bit, the second longest (to the finale) on this album and show.
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