Sunday, July 17, 2016

"Tough Love" (2011) - Track #4:"Tastes Like A Penny"

astes like a Penny



Homosexual Japanese jokes are the order of the day in this track about the George Takei's proclivity and race, as Lisa mentions her 2009
"Chocolate Please" (already referred to enough on this blog) when recorded by her for her own audiobook, and Lisa rewards him by giving
him a sexual object that hurt him so, "just to show that I'm a nice lady, I sent him somne"....HELLO KITTY STATIONERY! 

Lisa recalls George Takei tasting the stationary, and say, "Tastes like a Penny" (there's an excuse for the title of this one.)

Hey, with all due respect to both ladies, and this is the last time, what is it about Amy Schumer (who I may do a blog on) and Lisa Lampanelli where they have
titles of skits that have very little occurence in the monologues themselves?

She also calls her own book a non-best seller, in a sort of self-effecing moment.

Anyway, very funny...especially given Japanese are mentioned..:).

Hey, does anybody know exactly the meaning of the reference to a penny?
What does one taste like? This makes a enjoyable reference to George Takei
of Star Trek..!

This is the last cd bit review for maybe at least a week and a half or two
from and for this point..I haven't heard the latest, last year's
"Back to the Drawing Board", which once I hear it, will also be reviewed.

However, her birthday is coming up, 55th, in July 19, and I plan to post videos from YouTube on weekends and weekdays..

I AM planning on writing on this, but in comment forms..

1 comment:

  1. First post here..

    Hey, not being narcississtic, but just seeing if anybody posts on this blog. Anyway, tomorrow is her birthday, July 19, 19i61, 55th, in NEW ENGLAND despite sounding like a New Jersite or New Yorker (must be that Italian
    heritage, (insert Lampanelli-esqe comment), in Trumbull, Conn. And I plan to do some posts here, on this comment form, even though I'm not planning as much every weekend to do reviews for reasons mentioned above in the review.
